
Students who enter the University’s undergraduate program are undertaking a serious effort to further their education.  It is expected that they will make every effort to complete their courses during the semester.  然而, 在极少数情况下, 本科生可能会遇到医疗紧急情况, 就业的变化超出了他们的控制, 直系亲属的死亡, 或者其他阻碍他们完成课程的生活事件.  The following policy defines the process that these students will use to appeal their tuition, 将考虑的情况, 以及上诉的审批机构.


本科学杂费 represent the costs of enrollment in undergraduate programs at Metropolitan State University of 丹佛. 这些项目可以是国家资助的,也可以是自筹资金的.

本科生学费和费用上诉 are appeals that may be filed with the 财务长办公室 when extenuating circumstances occur during the semester that prevents the student from completing their coursework.

医疗紧急情况 is a severe medical illness or serious injury that involves either the student or an immediate family member.  直系亲属包括配偶、子女和父母.

就业 换工作是否超出了学生的控制范围. 接受另一家雇主的职位并不是上诉的正当理由.  为此提出的上诉将不予受理.

死亡 死亡是否涉及直系亲属.  直系亲属包括配偶、子女、父母和兄弟姐妹.


As a general guideline, only appeals for 医疗紧急情况, 就业, or 死亡 will be considered.  委员会将逐案审议其他生活事件.  The “other” life event needs to be a serious issue faced by the student that prevented them from completing their coursework.  军事部署由大学退伍军人事务办公室处理.

本科 students may only appeal a total of two semesters during their time at 密歇根州立大学丹佛. The University will not accept appeals for charges incurred more than one year prior to the date of the appeal.

学生必须对所申请学期的所有课程进行申诉.  如果学生在该学期的任何课程中获得及格成绩, they may not appeal their tuition charges without prior permission from the 学费及杂费上诉 Coordinator. Students may not appeal courses in which they have received a passing grade or an Incomplete.


Students must withdraw from their courses prior to filing a 学费及杂费上诉 form.  Students appealing a current term but who have not withdrawn from their courses will have their appeals suspended until after grades for that semester are posted;  the appeal will be submitted for review at the first Committee meeting after grades post. 成绩不会因被批准的上诉而改变.  希望更改成绩的学生可以查看大学的成绩 年级的替换 政策概述在 “目录.”

 Students will submit the appeal and supporting documentation to the 财务长办公室.  学杂费申诉协调员将对申诉进行评估.  Incomplete appeals will be rejected and the students will be informed of what documentation is missing.  Appeals submitted with proper documentation and meeting the guidelines for approval will be approved by the Coordinator.  协调员将拒绝那些被认为缺乏的上诉.  Appeals that warrant special consideration will be forwarded to the Institutional 学费及杂费上诉 Committee for review.  委员会的决定是最终决定. 提交申诉的截止时间是下午5点.m. 每个月的第一个星期四.  委员会在每月的第三个星期四开会审查上诉.  All decisions will be emailed to the student within 7 business days of the Committee meeting.


  • 如果学生在学期的前25%退课, the student will receive a 100 percent reduction in tuition and a 100 percent reduction in fees.
  • 如果学生在学期的前25%到50%之间退学, the student will receive a 75 percent reduction in tuition and a 100 percent reduction in fees.
  • 如果学生在学期的前50%到75%之间退学, the student will receive a 50 percent reduction in tuition and a 100 percent reduction in fees.
  • If the student withdraws after completing 75 percent of the term and an Incomplete is not viable, the student will receive a 25 percent reduction in tuition and a 100 percent reduction in fees.
  • All other refunds are subject to review by the 学费及杂费上诉 Committee and are decided on a case-by-case basis.


The following examples do not qualify as extenuating circumstances; therefore, 他们不会减轻你的经济和学术责任. 如有下列情况,请不要递交上诉表格:

  • 你的判断力和/或时间管理能力很差.
  • You applied late for admission to the university and/or registered late for classes.
  • 你对公布的大学政策和程序缺乏了解.
  • You applied late for, did not qualify for, or lost eligibility for financial aid or scholarships.
  • 你没有意识到,或者你没有利用好大学的资源.
  • You have ongoing health issues for which accommodations should have been given prior consideration.
  • 旷课.
  • 你有制裁(e).g.(学生行为、停学或开除).

Students must provide a detailed explanation of the extenuating circumstances for their appeal. In addition to your typed explanation, please provide the following documentation:

医疗 – For a severe medical illness or serious injury involving yourself or an immediate family member, you must submit a signed doctor’s 状态ment on letterhead that specifies the date(s) medical condition began and/or worsened and whether, 根据医生的专业意见, 这就有理由让他退学. Billing 状态ments or office visit summaries cannot be accepted as required documentation.

就业 -对于你无法控制的就业变化, you must submit a signed letter from your employer on company letterhead that specifically 状态s the dates and times of the employment changes. Appeals submitted for the following reasons will not be accepted: You worked increased hours, 承担额外的责任, 获得晋升, 接受了一个新职位, 接受了另一家雇主的职位, 失业, 等.

死亡 -本学期直系亲属死亡, you must submit a dated newspaper clipping or funeral notice which includes your name, 或者死亡证明.

其他 – Documentation must be provided to substantiate the specific circumstances cited.



  • 学生健康保险只能在当前计划年度内取消. Students whose Appeals are approved should contact the Health Insurance Office to see if they are eligible for a refund.
  • 我理解, 如果我的上诉被批准, any financial aid received for the semester in question might be adjusted and returned to its source (federal, 状态, 或机构).
  • Approved appeals will not adjust any balance due to Short-Term Loans or 金融援助 ineligibility.
  • Submitting a 学费及杂费上诉 with documentation does not guarantee a refund.


By submitting the online appeal form, I agree to all aforementioned terms and conditions! 请按以下按钮登入网上申诉表格: